Date: 2081/12/06

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Congratulations to all the students who have been selected for admission 2082 BS.

We welcome all new students and parents to the school community, and we would like to take this opportunity to pass on some important information.

  1. The school has worked out an orientation schedule for new parents. We request you to attend along with your son or daughter at the specified time and place.
  2. The school will communicate its rules and regulations at the time of the orientation programme.
  3. The new Academic Session 2082 B.S. commences from 9th Baisakh 2082 B.S. Hostel children (Boarders) must come fully prepared to stay in the hostel on the orientation day itself. (They must have all the requirements enlisted in the checklist provided by the school.)

Orientation schedule:

    • Parents and students – 8th Baishak 2082
      • 12:00 noon: For Classes 1 to 4,
      • 2:00 pm: For Classes 5 and above.
    • Venue: Kathmandu University High School, Panauti – 5, Chaukot, Kavre.

Once again, welcome to KUHS.

Tejendra P. Rajbhandari


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